



来源:转载  作者:网络   2024-10-09 阅读:124


"lash and seal" "and," with a lash, a a two Fang , han seal with for the , the of Hong Kong's to the 20th of the and Hong Kong and as one, one , two , a tile , ", the to seal and , the in good in Hong Kong and the .


on the of the Seal: logo and the to the 20th of the of Hong Kong and the seal, 1997-2017; On the back is the jade logo and " ". The seal is the Yang "20th and seal of The of Hong Kong". The seal is with five of blue, , , red and . The of five the five of , the , and of .



The 20th of Hong Kong's and the Seal is made of jade. It is by the team of by The jade , Yuan . it the of and even the 's arts and ! As an epic of Jade in , Yuan has the of arts and for many , the of arts and in and even the !


, to the seal! The of Hong Kong, the , the is , and the 20th of the of Hong Kong and seal for the time by the gift , by jade , with top jade , an , on the 20th of the Hong Kong's to took the oath of the of "one , two " and the of the era of the rise of , the big, to of the is high, the top and in the of , will one of .

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